Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Human Rights2

Survival of the fittest is a truth. And a truth is that which does not change with time.

The rights are those that the fittest describe. Therefore, the lesser people (and all creatures) can not do so. In other words rights of the lesser creature to survive, to own property, and such, can not be protected till they themselves become fittest (or at least fit enough to keep themselves protected).

Therefore, it is futile for the third parties to attempt to protect the rights of the tribal, the poor agriculture based people, and the various species. They are bound to perish or remain in protected areas provided by the fittest specie for their own entertainment like, pets, animals in zoo or protected forests. The attempts like human rights organizations are nothing but a selfish enterprise of those who want to be visible and therefore they put up a façade. In reality they are least concerned about those whose rights they talk about.

The struggle of the lesser ones can be successful if and only if they rise up and become fitter by learning to combat with the same weapons their adversaries are using, wealth, education and strategies. They will have to leave living the way the lived and find out on their own better and more sustainable ways of life. They will have to exploit the wealth wherever it is available, over-ground or underground, thinking only of the present and have no concern of the future, because, now a days, these are the rules of the game. If they do not, then others will definitely come in sooner or later. Nothing can stop it.