Thursday, August 21, 2008

Allopathic Medication

I eat prescription allopathic medicine for high blood pressure. Similarly many people take allopathic medicine for different ailments.

Today while whiling away time sitting idle I got appalled thinking why do we knowingly eat medicines which are poisonous or harmful for a healthy body? If an antibiotic taken by a healthy person can make him sick why will it not do the same to an ailing unhealthy person? If a steroid will damage some healthy organs in the body why should it be taken?

I am not a very knowledgeable person therefore I can not give many examples. But, we all know that eating poison will always harm. So, why eat it?

Further, I am gradually getting convinced that all researches going on in the field of drugs and medicine are focusing in finding maintenance drugs and not cures. It is surprising that while science has taken giant leaps it has failed to find cures for common ailments like blood pressure, diabetes, asthma and so on. Yes! people have found maintenance drugs for many which the patients have to take lifelong and most of these are harmful to healthy persons. As a result people taking these medicines for one ailment land themselves with other serious defects needing further medication to develop yet more problems.

Can advising people to inflict harm on themselves be called criminal?

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